

QciClient Utility class for user interactions with QCI API

class qci_client.qci_client.JobStatus[source]

Bases: object

Allowed jobs statuses.

class qci_client.qci_client.QciClient(url: str | None = None, api_token: str | None = None, access_tokens: str = 'auth/v1/access-tokens', set_bearer_token_on_init: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None, debug: bool = False, files: str = 'optimization/v1/files', jobs: str = 'optimization/v1/jobs', max_workers: int = 8, compress: bool = False)[source]

Bases: BaseApi

Provides requests for QCi’s public API for running optimization problems on Dirac devices, including file uploads/downloads and submitting/retrieving entire jobs.

Accepts same parameters as qci_client.base.BaseApi as well as:

  • files – url path fragment to specify files API endpoint
  • jobs – url path fragment to specify jobs API endpoint
  • max_workers – number of threads for concurrent file download calls
  • compress – compress file metadata and parts before uploading
build_job_body(job_type: str, job_params: dict, qubo_file_id: str | None = None, graph_file_id: str | None = None, hamiltonian_file_id: str | None = None, objective_file_id: str | None = None, constraints_file_id: str | None = None, polynomial_file_id: str | None = None, job_name: str | None = None, job_tags: list | None = None) dict[source]

Constructs body for job submission requests

  • job_type – one of _supported_job_types
  • job_params – dict of params to be passed to job submission in “params” key
  • qubo_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded qubo
  • graph_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded graph
  • hamiltonian_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded hamiltonian
  • objective_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded objective
  • constraints_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded constraints
  • polynomial_file_id – file id from files API for uploaded polynomial
  • job_name – user specified name for job submission
  • job_tags – user specified labels for classifying and filtering user jobs after submission
delete_file(file_id: str) dict[source]
file_id – str - file_id of file to be deleted
dict containing information about file deleted (or error)
download_file(*, file_id: str) dict[source]
Download file (metadata and then parts concurrently).
property files_url
Get files URL.
get_file_contents_url(file_id: str, part_num: int) str[source]
Get file contents URL with file ID and file part number.
get_file_id_url(file_id: str) str[source]
Get file URL with file ID.
get_job_allocations_url() str[source]
Get job allocations
get_job_id_url(job_id: str) str[source]
Get job URL with job ID.
get_job_response(job_id: str, job_type: str) dict[source]

Get a response for a job by id and type, which may/may not be finished.

  • job_id – ID of job
  • job_type – type of job, one of []
Return dict:
loaded json file
get_job_status(job_id: str) dict[source]

Get the status of a job by its ID.

job_id – ID of job
Response from GET call to API
get_job_status_url(job_id: str) str[source]
Get job status using job ID.
get_job_type_from_job_id(job_id: str) str[source]

Get job type from job ID.

job_id – ID of the job
Type of the job
property headers_without_authorization: dict
HTTP headers without bearer token.
property jobs_url
Get jobs URL.
list_files(username: str | None = None) dict[source]
username – Optional str - username (to search for files owned by the named user) mostly useful when run by users with administrator privileges (such as QCI users) who can see all files. When called by an administrator, the username parameter is used to restrict the list files returned to be only the files owned by the user specified in the username parameter. When run by non-privileged users, this parameter is truly optional because non-privileged users will only ever see lists of files that they created.
dict containing list of files
print_job_log(message: str) None[source]
Formats a messages for updating user with a time stamp appended :param message: a string to be passed in print statement
process_job(job_type: str, job_body: dict, wait: bool = True) dict[source]
  • job_type – the type of job being processed must be one of _supported_job_types
  • job_body – formatted json dict for body of job submission request
  • wait – bool indicating whether or not user wants to wait for job to complete
if wait is True, then dict with job_info response and results file
(results is None if ERRORED or CANCELLED)
if wait is False, then response dict from submitted job, which includes job
ID for subsequent retrieval
what else do we want to return with the results? response_id, obviously job_id
submit_job(job_body: dict, job_type: str) dict[source]

Submit a job via a request to QCI public API.

  • job_body – formatted json body that includes all parameters for the job
  • job_type – one of the _supported_job_types
Response from POST call to API
upload_file(file: dict) dict[source]
Upload file (metadata and then parts concurrently). Returns dict with file ID.
validate_job_type(job_type: str) None[source]

Checks if a provided job type is a supported job type.

job_type – a job type to validate

Raises AssertionError if job_type is not one of the _supported_job_types.

zip_payload(payload: str) bytes[source]

Zip contents of json file

payload – str - json contents of file to be zipped
zipped request_body


Utilities for Python client for files REST API for optimization service.

Copyright 2023, Quantum Computing Incorporated

qci_client.utilities.file_part_generator(*, file: dict, compress: bool) Generator[source]

Break file-to-upload’s data dictionary into chunks, formatting correctly with each returned chunk.

  • file – file to break up into file parts
  • compress – whether or not file parts are to be compressed
generator of (part_body, part_number) tuples
qci_client.utilities.get_patch_request_body(*, file: dict) PartPatchRequestBody[source]
Format part body.
qci_client.utilities.get_post_request_body(*, file: dict) InputMetadataPostRequestBody | ResultsMetadataPostRequestBody[source]
Format metadata body.
qci_client.utilities.zip_payload(*, payload: PartPatchRequestBody) bytes[source]
payload – str - json contents of file to be zipped
zipped request_body


Functions for data conversion.

qci_client.data_converter.compute_results_step_len(data: ndarray | list) int[source]

Compute the step length for “chunking” the providd data.

data – An numpy array or list of data
The step length for “chunking” the data
qci_client.data_converter.data_to_json(file: dict, debug: bool = False) dict[source]

Converts data in file input into JSON-serializable dictionary that can be passed to Qatalyst REST API

  • file – file dictionary whose data of type numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix, or networkx.Graph is to be converted
  • debug – Optional, if set to True, enables debug output (default = False for no debug output)
file dictionary with JSON-serializable data
qci_client.data_converter.get_size(obj, seen=None) int[source]

Recursively finds size of objects

  • obj – data object to recursively compute size of
  • seen – takes a set and is used in the recursive step only to record whether an object has been counted yet.
Return int:


Base class for API clients.

class qci_client.base.BaseApi(url: str | None = None, api_token: str | None = None, access_tokens: str = 'auth/v1/access-tokens', set_bearer_token_on_init: bool = True, timeout: float | None = None, debug: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for clients to QCi APIs, especially the authorization layer.

  • url – url basepath to API endpoint, including scheme, if None, then falls back to QCI_API_URL environment variable
  • api_token – refresh token for authenticating to API, if None, then falls back to QCI_TOKEN environment variable
  • access_tokens – url path fragment to specify access-tokens API endpoint
  • set_bearer_token_on_init – flag to turn on/off access token retrieval on object initialization
  • timeout – number of seconds before timing out requests, None waits indefinitely
  • debug – flag to turn on/off debug prints
property auth_url: str
Return the URL used for authorization.
get_bearer_token() Response[source]
Request new bearer token. (Not cached here, see set_bearer_token.)
property headers
Headers with cached bearer token.
property headers_without_connection_close
Headers with cached bearer token, but without connection closing.
property headers_without_token
Headers without cached bearer token.
is_bearer_token_expired() bool[source]
Is current time > ‘expires’ time.
static refresh_token(func) Callable[source]
Return a wrapper function that can check an auth token.
set_bearer_token() None[source]
Set bearer token from request.