Source code for qci_client.data_converter

  • """Functions for data conversion."""
  • from math import floor
  • import sys
  • import time
  • from typing import Union
  • import networkx as nx
  • import numpy as np
  • import scipy.sparse as sp
  • from qci_client import enum
  • # We want to limit the memory size of each uploaded chunk to be safely below the max of 15 * MebiByte (~15MB).
  • # See
  • MEMORY_MAX: int = 8 * 1000000 # 8MB
  • def get_size(obj, seen=None) -> int:
  • """
  • Recursively finds size of objects
  • :param obj: data object to recursively compute size of
  • :param seen: takes a set and is used in the recursive step only to record whether an object has been counted yet.
  • :return int:
  • """
  • size = sys.getsizeof(obj)
  • if seen is None:
  • seen = set()
  • obj_id = id(obj)
  • if obj_id in seen:
  • return 0
  • # Important mark as seen *before* entering recursion to gracefully handle
  • # self-referential objects
  • seen.add(obj_id)
  • if isinstance(obj, dict):
  • size += sum(get_size(v, seen) for v in obj.values())
  • size += sum(get_size(k, seen) for k in obj.keys())
  • elif hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
  • size += get_size(obj.__dict__, seen)
  • elif hasattr(obj, "__iter__") and not isinstance(obj, (str, bytes, bytearray)):
  • size += sum(get_size(i, seen) for i in obj)
  • return size
  • def _get_soln_size(soln):
  • # Check whether first entry is a graph node/class assignment, eg., {'id': 4, 'class': 2}
  • if isinstance(soln[0], dict):
  • return get_size(soln)
  • return sys.getsizeof(soln[0]) * len(soln)
  • def compute_results_step_len(data: Union[np.ndarray, list]) -> int:
  • """
  • Compute the step length for "chunking" the providd data.
  • Args:
  • data: An numpy array or list of data
  • Returns:
  • The step length for "chunking" the data
  • """
  • # total mem size of soln vector
  • soln_mem = _get_soln_size(data)
  • # num_vars * step_len < 30k => step_len < 30k/num_vars
  • chunk_ratio = MEMORY_MAX / soln_mem
  • step_len = floor(chunk_ratio) if chunk_ratio >= 1 else 1
  • return step_len
  • def data_to_json(file: dict, debug: bool = False) -> dict:
  • """
  • Converts data in file input into JSON-serializable dictionary that can be passed to Qatalyst REST API
  • Args:
  • file: file dictionary whose data of type numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix, or networkx.Graph is to be converted
  • debug: Optional, if set to True, enables debug output (default = False for no debug output)
  • Returns:
  • file dictionary with JSON-serializable data
  • """
  • start_time_s = time.perf_counter()
  • supported_file_types = [type.value for type in enum.JOB_INPUTS_FILE_TYPES]
  • supported_file_types.sort()
  • supported_file_types = tuple(supported_file_types)
  • matrix_file_types = [type.value for type in enum.JOB_INPUTS_MATRIX_FILE_TYPES]
  • matrix_file_types.sort()
  • matrix_file_types = tuple(matrix_file_types)
  • file_type = enum.get_file_type(file=file).value
  • if file_type not in supported_file_types:
  • raise AssertionError(
  • f"data conversion not supported for file type '{file_type}', supported "
  • f"types are {supported_file_types}"
  • )
  • data = file['file_config'][file_type]['data']
  • if file_type == "graph":
  • if not isinstance(data, nx.Graph):
  • raise AssertionError("file_type 'graph' data must be a networkx.Graph")
  • file_config = {
  • **nx.node_link_data(data),
  • "num_edges": data.number_of_edges(),
  • "num_nodes": data.number_of_nodes(),
  • }
  • elif file_type in matrix_file_types:
  • if isinstance(data, nx.Graph):
  • raise AssertionError(
  • f"file_type '{file_type}' data cannot be a networkx.Graph"
  • )
  • data_ls = []
  • if sp.isspmatrix_dok(data):
  • for idx, val in zip(data.keys(), data.values()):
  • # dok type has trouble subsequently serializing to json without type
  • # casts. For example, uint16 and float32 cause problems.
  • data_ls.append({"i": int(idx[0]), "j": int(idx[1]), "val": float(val)})
  • elif sp.isspmatrix(data) or isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
  • data = sp.coo_matrix(data)
  • for i, j, val in zip(
  • data.row.tolist(), data.col.tolist(),
  • ):
  • data_ls.append({"i": i, "j": j, "val": val})
  • else:
  • raise ValueError(
  • f"file_type '{file_type}' only supports types numpy.ndarray and "
  • f"scipy.sparse.spmatrix, got {type(data)}"
  • )
  • file_config = {"data": data_ls}
  • rows, cols = data.get_shape()
  • if file_type == "constraints":
  • # Constraints matrix is [A | -b]
  • file_config.update({"num_constraints": rows, "num_variables": cols-1})
  • else:
  • # This works for hamiltonians, qubos, and objectives.
  • file_config["num_variables"] = rows
  • else:
  • # Polynomial file types do not require translation.
  • file_config = file["file_config"][file_type]
  • if debug:
  • print(f"Time to convert data to json: {time.perf_counter()-start_time_s} s.")
  • return {
  • "file_name": file.get("file_name", f"{file_type}.json"),
  • "file_config": {file_type: file_config}
  • }